There’s typically two types of cruisers - those that suffer from motion sickness, and those
that don’t. If you’re the latter - woohoo! But if you’re the former, or someone who cruises with someone who suffers from motion sickness, you may want to perk your ears up for today’s article. Here's a couple of the remedies that have helped clients and people I know, combat the motion while at sea.
**Disclaimer: Please make sure to consult with your medical professional regarding these
remedies before trying them out. These are things that have worked for others, and are meant as educational information instead of medical advice.**
1. Over-the-counter meds - The popular ones are Dramamine and Bonine, which you can grab on Amazon, or your local drug store. These can make you drowsy, though, so you may want to look into non-drowsy formulas or some of the alternative methods. There is also a patch that can be stuck behind your ear, but I’ve heard this comes with many side effects for some people. I've used them with no effects.
2. Ginger - I'm about to sound like Forrest Gump now: ginger ale, ginger chews, ginger oil,
ginger pills, etc. People have taken a ginger supplement just before the ship heads out on
embarkation day, to replace the OTC meds. I’ve also heard taking a ginger chew while feeling a little nauseous can help to get over the uncomfortable feeling. I swear by anything ginger, so this is my go-to method.
3. Sea bands - These are also available on Amazon or a local drug store. They work based on a pressure point in your wrist that helps alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, when
pressed. Another form of the sea band that I’ve seen is the Relief Band which looks almost like a wristwatch.
4. Green apples - Now this one sounds like an old wives’ tale. It has to be green apples, not
red or yellow, because green apple skin has pectin. Pectin is the chemical that helps alleviate
nausea. You probably won't want to eat anything while you're feeling the symptoms but you may have to. Also, make sure to keep hydrated to help alleviate the feelings of motion sickness. Not every ship has green apples, so the top three options are probably your best bet.
Bonus Tip! If you do suffer from motion sickness, please let me know when I'm booking your
cabins. I will be sure to move your cabin to an area that is more stable from motion.
Bonus Tip x2! The technology among newer ships keeps improving to help stabilize and reduce the feelings of motion when you are aboard a ship. Larger ships typically can feel less motion than a smaller ones, as well.
Bonus Tip x3! Take a river cruise - your chance of feeling motion on a ship is greatly reduced
on a river compared to an ocean. It is a much smoother sailing experience and you are closer
to the major city centers. Talk to me about my experience if you are on the fence.
You can check out my items I've used and travel with even when not on a cruise. Note that these are affiliate links. I get a small commission when you use my links.
